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Local Authority > Administration & Management > Admissions and Pupil Place Planning

Admissions and Pupil Place Planning

The Admissions and Pupil Place Planning Team administers the inter-LA coordinated admissions process for primary and secondary admissions and determines the admission arrangements for all community and voluntary controlled schools. The Service Manager writes the annual Local Authority's Report to the Office of the School's Adjudicator.

The team produces statements of case and provides a presenting officer to defend admission appeals for community and voluntary controlled schools and provides advice and support to parents and schools with all aspects of the admissions process.

The Service Manager is the chair of the Children Missing Education Panel and the team maintains the database of children missing education, undertakes relevant casework and tracks off roll pupils.

The team also produces pupils forecasts to plan pupil places for the future in line with the Council's statutory duty to provide a school place for every child in the borough and manages the statutory process to make school organisation changes and submits the annual SCAP (School Capacity) return.

Contact Details

The Admissions and Pupil Place Planning Team is located at the Civic Centre. The members are:


Lisa Bentaouit, Admissions Caseworker

Nicola Mitchell, Admissions Caseworker

Helen Parker, Admissions Caseworker

Javaria Parwez, Admissions Caseworker

Lynne Shortman, Admissions Caseworker

Nick Gill, Senior Admissions Caseworker

Maggie Pinckston, Parent Support Adviser

Alex Haigh, School Organisation Manager

Kate Mann, Service Manager


Contact details are as follows:

Admissions enquiries:

01922 652585




Parent Support Advisor:

Maggie Pinckston - 01922 652578



Senior Admissions Caseworker:

Nick Gill - 01922 650979



School Organisation Manager:

Alex Haigh - 01922 652583



Service Manager:

Kate Mann - 01922 652581
