This revised model policy, provided by Walsall Council and NHS Walsall has been produced to assist schools in developing a policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions, as required the Department for Education statutory guidance
Sections set out in red text should be edited to make them appropriate for your school or deleted if not applicable.
Model Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy - revised Nov 2019 - amendments highlighted
Allergy management at school
The attached document, produced by Allergy UK, is provided to assist schools in developing a school allergy management policy.
Model policy for allergy management at school (PDF)
Ebola guidance for schools
Public Health England have produced the attached information and guidance about Ebola infection for schools and nurseries. Can you ensure that your staff are aware of the guidance.
Ebola: advice and risk assessment for educational, early years, childcare and young persons’ settings (PDF 454 KB)
If you have any queries please contact our Public Health colleagues on 01922 653736.
Infection control in schools and other childcare facilities
Public Health England has produced guidance on Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities, which includes advice on infection control –
In addition, the health & safety team has produced a list of useful infection control contacts that schools/centres may find useful.
Infection Control – contacts – Sep 2014 (Word 434 KB)
Measles and whooping cough update
Our Health Protection Agency colleagues have asked us to publicise the latest edition of their schools’ newsletter, attached, which highlights issues around a national increase in cases of measles and whooping cough.
Measles and whooping cough HPA Newsletter (Oct 12) (pf 204KB)
Infection control – handwashing
Links to handwashing resources from the Health Protection Agency, including eBug.
Handwashing is one of the most important ways of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that cause diarrhoea and vomiting, and respiratory disease.
This link takes you to resources, including eBug, provided by the the Health Protection Agency (HPA) that can be used to help improve handwashing and cut down on infection in school.
Our public health colleagues have asked us to make the attached leaflet on meningitis available to schools.
MN_Meningitis_can_affect_anyone (PDF 2 MB)
School Nursing Service
Information on the school nursing service is available here
Needlestick and sharps
Schools and children’s centres should have appropriate procedures in place to deal with needlestick injuries. This guidance sets out best practice to avoid injury from needlesticks and also gives general advice about other injuries from “sharps” that may occur in school. It includes model risk assessments for dealing with discarded needles.
Needlestick and sharps July 2012 (PDF 183KB)
Winter infections in children: Information for parents
Schools with high levels of flu or other seasonal infections may wish to send a copy of the HPA leaflet on winter infections to parents.
As always, the message stresses good hygiene and Catch it, Bin it, Kill it.
Winter Infections in Children: An Information Leaflet for Parents (PDF 126KB)
Norovirus: Resources for staff in schools & nurseries
Norovirus Toolkit: A set of resources for staff in schools and nurseries
Norovirus in Schools (1.71MB)
Heatwave Planning and sun protection
Schools may find the following links on Heatwave Planning and Sun Protection Policies, provided by our health colleagues, useful.
Health Protection Agency advice on Looking After Schoolchildren During Heatwaves click here
Cancer Research UK’s advice on Sun Protection School Policy Guidelines click here