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Walsall Governance Services

About us...

Walsall Governance Services provide a wide range of quality assured and competitive services that help develop and maintain effective governance in schools and academies across Walsall and the Black Country. We provide direct and tailored support to governors, school leaders and clerks in their governance roles. With a breadth of  professional governance experience and expertise the team is confident it can meet the specific governance needs of your school.

We are mindful that the budgets for schools are increasingly tighter, year upon year, and with that in mind, we remain committed to offering high quality and competitively priced services to establishments, tailored to meet your needs.

Good governance is vital for improving and maintaining high standards in schools and is part of the Ofsted framework. The expectations placed on governors continues to grow.

The Department for Education’s Governance Handbook and Competency Framework sets out clear expectations for governing bodies as strategic leaders and stresses the role they play in supporting children and young people to achieve the very best outcomes through school. There is increasing expectations in terms of evidencing self-reflection and ongoing training and development as a governing board.

Walsall Governance Srvices Team work closely with a range of partners to help schools and academies navigate and keep abreast of the changing regulatory and inspection framework for  governance. We work closely with a range of partners including Walsall School Improvement Partners (SIPs), National Governors Association (NGA), Walsall Governors Association (WGA), and have an extensive network of experienced governors and professionals including National Leaders of Governance (NLGs) to provide high quality support to governing bodies.

Benefits of signing up:

  • Dedicated telephone and email advice and support including advice to governors experiencing challenging circumstances.
  • Up to date statutory guidance on all aspects of governance for schools/ academies.
  • Maintain a database of governing body memberships.
  • A training programme designed to meet Ofsted’s and the Department for Education’s expectation for governance.
  • A comprehensive induction programme for new governors.
  • Professional clerking service with a named clerk.
  • Termly briefings for Chairs and Clerks and regular email updates.
  • Governor newsletter to update governors on current developments locally and nationally.
  • Annual conference giving governors opportunities to network and share good practice.
  • Support and guidance on constitutional matters including Instrument of Government and Articles of Association.
  • Skills based governor recruitment and selection.

To view our Traded Services booklet please click on: 2023-24 Traded Services booklet

Contact Us:

Email: govsupport@walsall.gov.uk

Tel: 01922 652864