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Local Authority > Walsall Public Health > Coronavirus (COVID-19) > Academic Year 2021–2022 > Public Health advice to minimise COVID-19 transmission > Handwashing

Maintain frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitiser throughout the day

COVID-19 is an easy virus to remove when it is on skin, this also remains true for the Delta variant. Handwashing can be done with soap and running water or hand sanitiser.

Regular and thorough hand cleaning is going to be needed for the foreseeable future. This will also reduce the spread of other communicable viruses including Flu and Norovirus.

It is important to washing your hands more often, especially: 

- when you get to work or arrive at an education settings or arriving home

- after you blow your nose, cough or sneeze

- before you eat or handle food

Hands should be washed for 20 seconds, using soap and water (preferred option) or hand sanitiser.

Recommended Action: All settings must ensure that pupils and staff can continue to clean their hands regularly, including when they arrive at school, when they return from breaks, when they change rooms and before and after eating.


e-Bug (operated by PHE) is a free educational resource for classroom and home use and makes learning about micro-organisms, the spread, prevention and treatment of infection, fun and accessible for all teachers and students. 

The Department for Education have listed e-Bug in their guidance for education and childcare during coronavirus. e-Bug resources are recommended for teaching Infection prevention and control topics, including hand and respiratory hygiene.

All activities and lesson plans have been designed to complement the National Curriculum eg. RSHE, Science. To find a selection of lessons to complement your chosen area, select from the tags below. You will also find a range of interactive activities to complement learning, including games, quizzes, and debate kits.

Find out more and access handwashing activities, lesson plans and posters on the e-Bug website.




Page updated 28/08/2021