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Insurance & Loss Control

Insurance & Loss Control - Introduction


Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism where in exchange for a known cost (the premium) the unknown future potential losses are transferred to a third party (the insurer)

Loss Control is the identification of those areas that can cause losses to the organisation and where it is appropriate introduce measures to reduce or eliminate these losses. 

Risk Management is the identification, analysis and economic control of those risks that threaten the assets or objectives of the Council or the organisation in question. 

The work within the Insurance and Loss Control service cuts across all parts of the Council, including schools.   The services provided by the Team are continually evolving and regular reviews are undertaken in terms of what we provide and how it is delivered to reflect customer requirements and the changing nature of the organisation.

Some of the main activities of the team include:


  • Arrange and administer appropriate and competitively priced insurance policies to protect the assets and liabilities of the council including its schools.   This includes providing insurance cover through a mix of external insurance policies and self insured arrangements
  • Review the insurance programme and where appropriate recommend changes.   This may include increasing or reducing the scope of cover, setting policy excess levels at the most cost effective level
  • Comply, where necessary, with OJEU requirements for the procurement of the required insurance arrangements and make sure that all premiums are paid in a timely manner
  • Monitor changes in legislation and ensure insurance cover remains fit for purpose
  • Provide appropriate documentation where required by legislation and/or good practice

Claims management

  • Process all insured claims made against or by the council and its schools
  • Ensure that all liability claims are dealt with in accordance with the civil procedures rules
  • Fully investigate all claims received in a timely manner and ensure that where the Council and/or the school are liable to pay the claim negotiate settlement in a timely manner to minimise exposure to legal costs and that all settlement figures are fair and reasonable 
  • At least annually review overall claims experience and forecasts
  • Act as the main contact point where recovery from a major incident is required including the co-ordination of specialist recovery services
  • For losses that do occur which are as a result of the actions of a third party, provide assistance to recover these losses from the responsible party
  • We will make every effort to progress all claims in a timely manner and to keep you informed of progress.   We will also feedback on lessons learned from claims and areas for consideration or improvement as appropriate.

General advice and management

  • Annually review overall insurance and loss control programmes
  • Annually assess performance
  • Pass on insurance market developments and developments in legal claims
  • Ensure that everyone is aware of critical issues
  • Provide risk surveys in relation to insurable risks and loss control issues
  • Provide advice guidance and support to all parts of the Council on insurance and loss control related matters as required.
  • Support the development of major projects by providing advice guidance and support within the knowledge of the team
  • When requested to do so review contractual documentation and related materials to provide guidance analysis and support in terms of the losses that these may bring to the organisation

Risk Management

  • Support the development of the corporate approach to risk management by developing and assisting with the implementation of the Council's Corporate Risk Management Strategy.   This work will be carried out in conjunction with the Council's Internal Auditors (Mazars).   The day to day application of the strategy and how the management of risk is implemented generally and how this is connected to the Council's Corporate Governance arrangements are the role and responsibility of Mazars.

Academy Schools

The information provided on the insurance and loss control pages does apply mainly to maintained schools, however, the broad principles do apply to Academy schools as well.

Academies, due to their legal status, must have insurance arrangements that are separate from those of the Council and maintained schools.   If you are an Academy or you are considering becoming an Academy please contact a member of the team who will be pleased to advise you.

Meet the team

  • Neil Skeldon, Senior Insurance & Loss Control Officer - 01922 653791 eMail
  • Marc Cox, Senior Insurance Officer (Claims & Liabilities) – 01922 653793 eMail
  • Pam Cox, Insurance Officer (EL & Systems) – 01922 653792 eMail
  • Kathy Hurst, Insurance Officer (Liability Claims) – 01922 653794 eMail
  • Samantha Clenton - Insurance Assistant (Motor and Property) 01922 653795 eMail
  • General Contact Email: riskandinsurance@walsall.gov.uk


Schools summary of insurance cover school_summary of insurance cover updated_23_05_17

Schools Balance of Risks/LMS Policy Local_Management_of_Schools_Policy


Claim  and Forms

School Journeys

Insurance certificates

Proposal Forms - To apply for specific areas of insurance cover

Staff Absence Insurance

We have arranged a staff absence insurance policy that is available from the Schools Advisory Service (SAS) which is available to you at a discounted from their usual premium rates.   Please see below some background informatin for SAS and a proposal form if you are interested in obtaining a quote.

If you need any further information please contact the Insurance & Loss Control Team.

SAS Quote Form

SAS Company Profile