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Business Continuity

Business Continuity Management is the process of planning for and responding to emergencies or disruptive challenge.  Whilst it may be difficult to reduce the likelihood of a disruptive event, it is possible to put plans in place to reduce or mitigate the impact of such an event.

To further develop schools’ resilience in times of emergencies and disruptive challenge the Schools Emergency and Business Continuity Plan for Educational Establishments has been developed.  As well as an Emergency Plan this will enable each school to develop their own Business Continuity Plan, adapting the template for their environment.


Whatever the cause of the disruption the impacts usually fall within one or more of these categories:

  • unplanned loss or shortage of key staff
  • denial of access to premises
  • failure of technology or loss of data
  • loss of key suppliers, partners or third parties
  • loss of utilities


The template has been designed to be flexible enough to respond to any incident, regardless of its cause, focusing on managing the impact. It provides a framework which can be used to manage the school’s response. Guidance, aide memoires and checklists are provided to help schools during a disruption.


Copies of the plan are available in PDF and Word versions:


For further information with regard to Business Continuity please contact:

Resilience Unit (Emergency Planning)
Walsall Council

Telephone  01922 652026

Email: emergencyplanningunit@walsall.gov.uk


Further Information and Guidance