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COVID-19 (coronavirus)

As we are regularly hearing and reading the demands on schools and school leaders are considerable due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Here at Walsall Council we would like to offer you our support as well as our appreciation for the valuable care you are providing for Walsall children, young people, families and communities.

This page is solely dedicated to all the latest news, guidance and support and will be routinely updated. 

- Find out more on the new academic year 2021/2022 including what to do if you are notified of a suspected case or management of a confirmed case of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations

- Read more on the changes to close contact and self-isolation 

Read more on the stage 4 roadmap (19 July 2021)

- Read more in the educational settings bulletin 

Read more on the offer for local authority-maintained school staff to have the free flu vacciantion.  

Updated – 19 July 2021

Roadmap changes from 19 July

From 19 July national Covid restrictions have been eased under step 4 of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown. This means a number of changes for schools. It is important to remember that your child should not attend school if they are showing Covid symptoms.

Contact tracing and isolation

Under new guidance, schools are no longer responsible for identifying and contacting pupils who have been in close contact with someone in school who has tested positive for Covid.

This means that if your child is required to isolate you will notified by either the national NHS Track and Trace team or a local team working on behalf of the NHS rather than by the school.

From 16 August, anyone under the age of 18, or adults who are double vaccinated, will not be required to isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive case. They will however be advised to take a PCR test and, if that is positive, they and their household must follow the public health guidance


The new guidance allows schools to keep certain COVID-19 control measures – such as bubbles and staggered start and finish times – in place for the remainder of the summer term. Our advice to schools is to keep those measures in place during the final week of term.

We know that this may mean disappointment due to some changes to end of term and Year Six leavers’ activities but with high case rates in the borough  it is important that schools continue to take these precautionary measures to reduce the risk of the virus spreading and minimise potential holiday disruption.

We hope that by keeping these control measures in place it will help to protect pupils, staff and their families and avoid people being ill or having to isolate in the holidays.

Face coverings

If your child is in secondary school the existing arrangements for face coverings in school will continue until the end of the summer term.

In line with the government recommendation, students are also asked to continue to wear a face covering while travelling on school and public transport.

Archived Content 

Academic year 2020 2021 

  • Read the archived bulletins from academic year 2020 2021 
  • Find out more on information and resources relating to wider School re-opening including  Public Health, infection prevention and control and protective measures to keep children and staff safe when schools re-open. 

    Other archived content from academic year 2020 – 2021

Academic year 2019 2020

Last updated 26/08/2021