CPD Newsletter
The next CPD newsletter will be available for the Spring Term so watch this space! If you have any thoughts as to what you would to see in the newsletter then please get in touch.
CPD Guidance
This section provides guidance to all leaders of CPD in relation to their role, the provision of high quality training and development opportunities and impact evaluation.
People are a school’s most valuable resource and increasingly schools are taking the professional and personal growth of all staff seriously. This must include leaders, teachers, managers, administrators, support staff and lunchtime supervisors, to mention just a few of the ever broadening schools workforce.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is central to school improvement and a well resourced programme that is effectively managed and involves people from all levels in the organisation, creates a positive climate where professional development can flourish.
- It must be at the heart of school improvement
- It must improve students’ learning
- It must make staff feel their contribution is valued
- It should help people to be more versatile and reflective
- It should create a vibrant “learning community”
- It can help recruit and retain good staff
- It should develop technical and administrative competencies
- It can broaden horizons
- It should provide recognition of additional competencies and knowledge through accreditation
- It will guard against complacency and the danger of recycling the same practices
Current updates and developments
National College of Teaching and Learning
More information from the NCTL will be available soon
ICT opportunities
For further information on ICT CPD Opportunities please contact Lucy Jayes on 01922 686300
Policies and documents
It is important that CPD leaders are fully conversant with a wide range of policies and associated documents designed to support high quality professional development in schools.
We are working collaboratively across the West Midlands to share good practice and guidance.
See West Midlands CPD for details.
Useful CPD Links