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COVID 19: School leaders communications pack-  Returning to school for all pupils in England


As you prepare to welcome pupils back full time in the autumn, the government have pulled together a pack of materials to help you inform and reassure parents as they prepare for their children’s return to school. 

Parent Leaflets

Leaflets have been developed with Public Health England (PHE) to reassure parents and answer some of the most frequent questions asked as their children return to school. You are encouraged to share these resources as part of your communication with parents.

Early Years - taking your child to nursery or to the childminder (uploaded 28/08/2020)

Arabic | Bengali | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | English | French | Gujarati Hindi | Polish | Portuguese | PunjabiSomali | Turkish | Urdu 




Primary School - Returning to primary school - Leaflet for parents

Arabic | Bengali | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | EnglishFrench | GujaratiHindi | Polish | Portuguese | Punjabi | Somali | Turkish | Urdu 




Secondary School - Returning to secondary school - leaflet for parents 


Arabic | Bengali | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | English | French | Gujarati Hindi | Polish | Portuguese | Punjabi | Somali | Turkish | Urdu 





Other translated resources are available on the Walsall For All website as soon as possible for parents to view on the website.  

Back to school posters

    Back to School Safely - Students (Web)

    Back to School Safely - Students (easy print)






    Back to School Safely - Teacher (Web)

    Back to School Safely - Teacher (easy print)





DfE Videos to share with parents

September return guidance

No preview available 

   Download the video and share 






September return bubbles

    No preview available   

    Download the video and share






Reducing risks in schools

    Watch the video

    Download the video and share






Protective measures in schools 


    Watch the video 

    Download the video and share





For travelling to school videos click here 

Stay Updated

Please visit gov.uk/backtoschool for the latest information for parents and carers on the opening of early years providers, schools and colleges, safety in schools, attendance, transport, school meals and exams.


Public Health England (PHE) is clear that the risk of transmission is lowered if schools apply regular handwashing and cleaning measures, and follow government guidance Download copies of these handwashing posters as appropriate and display in your educational setting. 

EnglishBengaliHindiIndian-Punjabi | Pakistan-Punjabi | PolishSlovakSomaliUrdu 












Social Distancing

It is important for parents and young people to continue following the guidance on social distancing outside of school, including while travelling as well as when visiting the shops. Download copies of these posters as appropriate and display in and outside your educational setting.

English | Bengali | Hindi | Indian-Punjabi  | Pakistan-Punjabi | Polish | Slovak | Somali | Urdu

Further translations focused on young people social distancing in community languages will be available shortly on Walsall For All Website














Test and Trace

These are currently being updated for schools and will be added shortly.  Alternatively the following posters are available;

Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | English | Hindi | Italian | Kurdish | Pashto | Polish | Punjabi | Romanian | Somali | Urdu

Travelling To School

There are many ways students can travel to school. We encourage all students to walk, cycle or scoot to school if they can and if they live a short distance (2 miles or less) from their school or further education college. 

If students are not able to walk, cycle or scoot, they can use public transport or drive to get to their school or college.

If parents or students are car sharing with someone outside of their support bubble or family, they should share with the same people each time, open the windows for ventilation and wear a face covering unless they are under 11 or they are exempt. 

There are many ways students can travel to school. We encourage all students to walk, cycle or scoot to school if they can and if they live a short distance (2 miles or less) from their school or further education college.

Videos to share with parents

Travel safely to school 


Back to school safely: September return transport

Download the video to share

Please also see Walsall A*STARS website for more inforamtion 

Other Guidance: Using Taxis and Private hire vehicles  

Coming Soon

Every Mind Matters (available (07/09/2020)  and Wellbeing for Education Return (available 04/09/2020)

Please visit Every Mind Matters and MindEd for resources on how you can support the wellbeing of pupils aged 5 18 during the COVID 19 pandemic

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