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Local Authority > Walsall Public Health > Coronavirus (COVID-19) > Suspected/ Confirmed case of COVID-19 > Information on testing

Keeping you safe: Getting tested


If anyone develops a new or persistent cough, temperature, or loss of smell or taste:

They need to self-isolate (stay at home) for 10 days. They need to isolate WITH household members immediately. Even if household members do not have symptoms, they may need to self-isolate for 10 days *dependant on COVID-19 test result. This information is also applicable to their support bubble

The test must be taken within 3 days of symptoms starting, and no later than 5 days. Don’t go for testing if you have no symptoms

Follow national guidance on how to self-isolate


What is the process to book a test?

  • If booking online you will need to enter your postcode into the online system and it will give you options of a drive through test or a walk through test (figure 1) – this will be part of the call with 119.
  • If you have transport available please attend a mobile testing site or a local testing site rather than ordering a home test. Testing at these sites tend to be quicker to produce results which help us to manage cases more quickly and effectively. However if you need to use public transport to attend a walk through site, order a home test immediately. Slots need to be booked.
  • Test slots are released every day at 8pm for the next day, regardless of working day or weekend. Test sites and availability may change.

Figure 1: Entry screen for mobile testing (Drive through), Local testing site (walk through) or home test


School Testing Kits

Walsall schools and further education institutions will have received an initial supply of ten test kits. This is not currently available for early years settings (including childminders, private, independent and voluntary early years)

You should only offer a test kit to individuals who:

  • have developed symptoms while at school or at your further education institution, and
  • in the exceptional circumstance that you believe they may have barriers to accessing a test elsewhere, and that by giving them a test kit directly, you will significantly increase the likelihood of them getting tested, and
  • you believe that if you sent the individual home without a kit, they would not receive a test at all.

If the individual is under 18 this kit should be given to their parent or carer.

Please note the best and fastest way for students or staff with symptoms of coronavirus to access a test is to visit a test site.

Appointments at test sites can be booked via:


Guidance for schools and further education providers on the initial supply of coronavirus test kits for pupils, teachers and staff can be found here:


Making an order for additional coronavirus tests

Schools and FE providers should order additional test kits if they have run out or are running out of test kits.

You can order additional tests kits online. Kits will be supplied in boxes of 10, with one box provided per 1,000 pupils or students.

You will be able to make a new order for test kits 21 days after you receive a delivery confirmation email telling you that your previous supply of test kits has been sent.

Schools and FE providers will need a Unique Organisation Number (UON) to place orders for test kits. This was emailed to you by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on 16 September. Please call the Test and Trace helpdesk on 119 if you have not received your UON.

See Guidance Coronavirus (COVID-19): test kits for schools and FE providers

Page updated 30/12/2020