Academic Year 2019 - 2020
The documents below relate to the academic year 2019 - 2020 and have been archived.
Coronavirus FAQs for School Employees (uplodaded 12/05/2020)
Working Together in Response to COVID-19
This guidance has been developed for schools and education settings and local authority services working with those settings. It is designed to clarify the advice and guidance that has been issued nationally and locally and develop a common consensus as to how collectively we can best meet the needs of the children and young people across Walsall. This document is designed in sections as an easy to access guide to key information. It does not need to be read from cover to cover but rather as a toolkit to support specific decisions you and your leadership teams will be taking on a daily basis during these unprecedented times.
To read this guidance click here
Support for vulnerable residents
Making Connections Walsall is leading our local community response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and is a friendly service for vulnerable people and families.
If you or someone you know needs practical help with:
• shopping
• picking up prescriptions
• food parcels
• advice on financial help
reassurance calls/befriending
For more information click here
All educational settings
Information for children to help them understand what coronavirus is
School Admissions
Parent and carers
Whilst coronavirus is infectious to children it is rarely serious. If your child is unwell it is likely to be a non-coronavirus illness, rather than coronavirus itself. Whilst it is extremely important to follow Government advice to stay at home during this period, it can be confusing to know what to do when your child is unwell or injured. Remember that NHS 111, GPs and hospitals are still providing the same safe care that they have always done. Here is some advice to help
Walsall Works have created an e-newsletter which sets out information for people who are unemployed and employed, along with a link to the relevant government guidance. We want to ensure that residents are fully aware of the support available to them. This will be updated on a weekly basis. (Uploaded on 08/04/2020)
9 top tips for supporting your children during the Coronavirus outbreak
Resources in supporting children and families (Uploaded 30/03/2020)
Health and Wellbeing
Digital Safety
Mentally Healthy Schools
When we experience sudden or unsettling change, one thing that can help us cope is resilience. Resilience helps us deal with the emotions a new situation may cause, and helps us bounce back from difficulties we might encounter.
Being resilient is an emotional skill and is something we can develop and build, both as children and as adults. The resources in this toolkit are all about resilience and coping with change, which we hope will be useful for children, school staff and parents and carers alike.
As some schools prepare to see more pupils return, building and nurturing resilience will be more important than ever. More information Click Here
ICT Equipment Loan Template
Building Digital Resilience
First Aid
Training and CPD
VE Day Celebrations
To view a montage of artwork from Walsall Schools for VE Day please click here
Specific Primary School Updates
Specific Secondary School and Post 16 Update
Pride Month
Please see below Kooth digital resources for Pride Awareness Month (June) for young people. There are posters to print or display on your webiste and social media resources. is an online counselling service which is a free, confidential, safe and anonymous way to ask for help