Our service at a glance
Provides schools with a complete school attendance service
- Tiered approach to managing school attendance
- In brief, Specialist Advisor Trainer
- support to help schools prepare for Ofsted by creating and managing a data tracking system; Attendance Policy Development; Specialist training; In school attendance panels; Registration audits; develop whole school attendance strategy; External verification for whole school attendance management processes.
- In brief, Attendance Officer
- targeted work to reduce persistent absence; investigation for irregular school attendance; home visits; direct work with schools, children and families; lead / contribute to multi agency casework; parent meetings; collation of evidence for prosecution; parent contracts.
- In brief, Education Welfare Officer
- this traded position will provide the continuity of work normally undertaken by an Attendance Officer responsibilities but will be able to take cases through to and deliver the statutory function of the service
Why choose us?
Trading with Walsall’s Education Welfare Service has had a positive impact on school’s overall absence and persistent absence.
This specialist service has a proven track record in supporting schools who are able to commission dedicated expertise to meet their overall requirements.
Don’t take our word for it
Our persistent absence rates (PA) and overall absence rates (OA) continue to improve significantly and some figures reflect better than national averages
In order to discuss individual Attendance support packages and costings, please contact us:
Find out more
Caroline Guest
Access Manager
Marcus Grey
Specialist Officer - Access Business Development and statutory service delivery
01922 652860