Transition Matters (uploaded 16/06/2020)
Guidance for schools in supporting children and yong people during transition - To access the presentation Click here
Active Travel and Road Safety - Walsall A*STARS
ar 6 will soon be making the big step and moving on to secondary school; there will, of course, be many changes for the students, one of which may be the manner and the distance which they will travel to and from school.
'On the Move' is a our transition resource developed by the West Midlands Road Safety Partnership and lead by Solihull Council. This resource is delivered across Walsall Schools to help children embark on this new phase in thier lives. The pack contains a parent leaflet, activity booklet for children and lesson plans. To access the free resources Click Here
Mentally Healthy Schools (uploaded 22/06/2020)
Transitioning to a new school or new school year can be a difficult time under normal circumstances, but in this pandemic, the change may bring up more complex emotions than usual. We know from working closely with teachers that there is a lot of concern about what the new school year may bring.
Mentally Healthy Schools have produced this toolkit, with lots of useful resources for teachers, parents and carers, to help prepare children for the change and help them manage and understand their emotions at this time.