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Local Authority > Walsall Public Health > Healthy Weight > Food For Life

Walsall Public Health have commissioned Food For Life to work with primary schools and early years settings in Walsall. As part of the initiative every primary school can sign up to take part in the Food for Life Schools Award programme free of charge.

Why get involved?

There are many benefits to getting involved with the Food for Life Schools Award programme. Here are just some of them:

  • Pupil Health and Wellbeing: Independent research highlights FFL's potential to make a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of both pupils and parents.
  • Ofsted: Your FFL work provides evidence that you are meeting Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework requirement to support children and learners to keep themselves healthy.
  • School Food Standards: FFL award holders demonstrate they are meeting DfE’s mandatory School Food Standards.
  • Training, support and resources: We offer wealth of resources, specialist support and menu of training, developed and delivered by experts
  • Curriculum: FFL supports national curriculum requirements on cooking and uses food growing, farm linked-education and even Schools Farmers' Markets to enhance the curriculum and foster enterprise skills.

To find out how your school can access this programme then click here