Summer Offer 2020
Unfortunately, given the current Covid-19 situation, this year’s offer has had to be adapted and will take a slightly different approach than previous years.
For further information on the summer 2020 offer Click here
Summer Reading Challenge
The Summer Reading Challenge takes place over the summer holidays throughout the UK. Run by national charity The Reading Agency, and delivered with the support of the UK public library network, it is the UK’s biggest free reading promotion for primary-aged children.
The programme reaches over 700,000 children each year, motivating them to keep reading during the summer holidays and helping to maintain reading skills and confidence. With the current situation, the 2020 challenge will run June to September, offering children and families the chance to take part online and receive rewards for their reading. While libraries remain closed, they will continue to support the Challenge through virtual services and e-lending platforms.
To access the schools pack click here