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Local Authority > Walsall Public Health > Coronavirus (COVID-19) > Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2021/2022

This page will be updated by Walsall Public Health when new national COVID-19 guidance and local information becomes available for the 2021/2022 academic term. 

Walsall Public Health continue to operate a seven-day COVID-19 advice line for businesses, organisations and schools. The phone line is open 8am–6pm Monday – Friday and 10am–2pm on weekends and bank holidays.

This should be the first point of call if:  

  • you are notified you have had a positive case in your setting 
  • you are informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 by the NHS Test & Trace service 
  • you have any questions on infection control to reduce the spread of the virus.  

The team will work with you to assess the risks and advise you of what actions to take. By taking this early action they could stop a major outbreak.    

To contact the team please email walsall.healthprotection@nhs.net or phone 01922 658065.