Walsall NHS Speech and Language Therapy Traded Service –
an opportunity to enhance your current provision.
Who are we?
We are a highly trained and skilled team of Speech and Language Therapists, Assistant Speech and Language Therapists and administrative support employed by Walsall NHS Healthcare Trust. We are based at Blakenall Village Centre with over 40 years of experience delivering high quality, effective SLT services to the people of Walsall. We have an excellent track record in working in Partnership with schools and wider services to improve outcomes for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.
We provide assessment, treatment, advice and support to children and young people with a range of communication needs including pronunciation difficulties; nderstanding spoken language; using sentences and developing vocabulary; speaking fluently; using alternative and augmentative communication; social communication and using non-verbal skills to communicate.
All schools in Walsall receive a core offer from the service but there is an opportunity to purchase additional, bespoke services in your setting to enhance provision and further improve outcomes for children. This might include screening and assessment; 1:1 teaching, group work, training and curriculum development. Together we can shape the unique service you require to meet the needs of the children in your care.
The team is managed by a Professional Lead and comprises of a range of Principal, Specialist and generalist SLTs and assistant SLT’s with expertise in the following specialist areas:
- Autism and Social Communication
- Hearing Impairment
- Learning Difficulties
- Alternative Communication Systems
- Specific Speech and Language Impairment
- Bilingualism
- Cleft Palate
- Voice Disorders
- Stammering
- Reluctant talkers / selective mutism
- Feeding and swallowing.
What we can offer
We currently provide additional services to over 25 primary and secondary mainstream and special schools in Walsall and can tailor a package of support to meet your settings needs. This may include the following:
- The use and interpretation of appropriate screening tools e.g. Wellcomm; Afasic Checklist
- Specialist assessments contributing to Multi-agency assessment of need
- Individual support to children with specific difficulties
- Establishing and running groups e.g. social communication; understanding language; developing vocabulary for the curriculum
- In school clinics
- Follow-up services for children who do not attend clinic appointments helping them to attain educational targets
- Implementation of schemes of work e.g. Colourful Semantics; Narrative approach
- Implementing alternative communication systems e.g. Makaton signs; symbols; visual timelines
- Training and support to develop communication friendly environments and communication champions
- Specialist support and advice for children with autism
- Enhancing language development in children with low attainment levels
- Curriculum modifications e.g. KS3 maths curriculum to improve access
- Parent workshops and training
- Transition to secondary schools.
Training Packages:
We have accredited trainers delivering:
- Makaton at all levels
- TalkBoost
- Early TalkBoost
- Derbyshire Language Scheme
- Cygnet.
We also offer a wide range of tailored training packages for staff and parents including:
- Identification of language and communication difficulties in the early years (e.g. WELLCOMM)
- Supporting and promoting communication in Early Years
- Strategies to support SLCN across all age groups
- Supporting SLCN in bi-lingual children
- Speech workshops –normal/typical speech development and strategies to support development
- Direct and indirect support for children with EHCPs or Provision plans
- Breaking down communication barriers for children with Autism Spectrum
- Supporting reluctant talkers/ selective mutism
- Introduction to Derbyshire Language scheme
- Introduction to Colourful Semantics
- Creating a Communication Friendly environment
- Supporting children to develop social communications skills
- Identification and support for secondary age pupils with SLCN.
Training can be delivered to whole school staff or identified staff groups (e.g. early years; SEND team). Rates are highly competitive. Prices are available on application.
What are the benefits of using Walsall NHS SLT Services:
Direct access to core SLT services available in Walsall:
- Language for Learning Groups
- Little Learners Groups providing direct teaching combined with support to parents and teaching staff
- Intensive phonology and language support
- Second opinions from specialist SLTs
- Complex Communication Assessment Clinics
- Community Clinic
- Additionally Resourced Provisions at Busill Jones; Rushall JMI; Bentley West JMI and Pool Hayes Secondary Schools
- All special schools in Walsall
- “Fun with Friends” Shortbreaks for children aged 3-5 with complex communication needs.
This provides continuity of care, ease of sharing information and seamless support.
Direct access to key external services:
- Audiology
- Community Paediatrics
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Team Around the Child (Child Development Service).
Partnership Working with a wide range of multi-agency services:
- Health Visiting
- School Nursing
- Early Years SEN Teaching
- SEND Statutory Assessment
- Early Years
- Children’s Centres
- Educational Psychology
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Health Transition Team
- Looked After Children
- Safeguarding
- Paediatricians (acute and community)
- Community Children’s Nursing
- Rushall Advisory Teaching
Effective multi-agency working including representation on:
- SEND Steering Group
- Autism Working Group
- Emotional Health and Well Being Strategy Group
- 16+ Provision and transition into adulthood.
The benefits of using an NHS provider:
- CQC registered (equivalent to Ofsted)
- Community Children’s services rated by CQC as good in 2015
- Fully compliant with NHS Information Governance Standards including storage and transportation of records; sharing of information and confidentiality
- Sharing of information agreements in place across all statutory agencies
- All staff have indemnity insurance
- All staff comply with the single central record
- All staff receive regular supervision and annual appraisals including access to second opinions and specialist advice
- Annual audit programmes in place to ensure compliance with best practice (including NICE guidance and Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy standards)
- All qualified staff are registered with the Health Care Professionals Council regulatory body
- All staff receive mandatory training in Health and Safety; Lifting and Handling; CPR and Safeguarding Children Level 3
- Clinical pathways in place for all areas of service delivery to ensure compliance with best practice
- A robust system for obtaining user feedback to inform service delivery
For further information please contact:
Linda Bromwich (Head of Speech & Language Therapy) – linda.bromwich@walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk
Bridget Walker (Principal Speech & Language Therapist) – bridget.walker@walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk
Blakenall Village Centre, Thames Road, Walsall WS3 1LZ
Tel: 01922 605400 (option 3)