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Local Authority > Children's Workforce Development

Children's Workforce Development

The Children's Workforce Development Team aims to provide a range of professional development opportunities, helping staff to build on the skills they already have and to identify areas for further development. Our aim is to support and develop a learning culture within and between schools and Walsall Children’s Services through our programme of continuing professional development opportunities and the sharing of effective practice.

This area provides our education workforce with information about the training and development opportunities available to them. It includes specific sections for e-learning, Support Staff, NQT’s, Induction Tutors, CPD leaders and New/Interim Headteachers. For more information, please visit our traded services' website

You can contact the team via:
Amelia Stretton
Workforce Training Coordinator
01922 652829
07944 250095


For general enquiries please contact us on:
Workforce Development Team
Education Development Centre
Pelsall Lane
T.: 01922 650715
F.: 01922 652804
E.: childrensworkforcedevelopment@walsall.gov.uk
W.: www.walsallchildrensworkforce.co.uk 

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we can improve the service we provide, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Historic News

NQT Manager ~ online system

Traded Services: Policies, Terms and Conditions

Online Booking System