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Educational and Child Psychologists (EPs) and information for SENCo

September 2020 


A letter from Minister Ford to children and young people with SEND, their families and carers, and those who work to support them is now available to view via this link (uploaded 03/09/2020)

August 2020

Walsall Educational Psychology Service, Walsall Early Help and Walsall School Nursing Service have produced a comprehensive guide. This includes key how to talk to children about Coronavirus, activites to do at home, handwashing, anxiety and a list of key contacts

Mental health and wellbeing support available for children and young people in England

Children and young people may be experiencing a variety of feelings in response to the COVID-19 outbreak such as anxiety, stress or low mood. It is important to understand that these are normal responses to an abnormal situation. This document provides detailed information for schools to share with their staff, parents and carers and children and young people themselves. 

June 2020


May 2020 - No updates available 

April 2020

March 2020